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COST Action TD1407 - Final conference

Technology-critical elements: Sources, Chemistry and Toxicology

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The final meeting of the EU Cost action NOTICE took place in Zagreb, Croatia on 2-3 April 2019. Studies presented covered all aspects of the network including natural and anthropogenic fluxes of technology-critical elements, development of new sources, reactivity and mobility in different environmental compartments, analytical challenges, and potential exposure pathways and influence on biota.


Seventy-six participants from 20 countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Taiwan, and USA) attended the meeting. The meeting included eight oral sessions with 33 talks and a large poster session with 28 presentations. Two early-stage researchers received awards for best poster and oral communications sponsored by the journal Environmental Chemistry. A best ‘out of the box’ communication award was also conferred in honour of Birgit Daus.


Montserrat Filella (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Dario Omanovic (IRuder Boskovic Institute, Croatia)
Ishai Dror (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

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To download the book of abstracts of the conference click on the image

COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Last update: NOA. 01/05/2020

Since the COST Action TD 1407 has ended in 2019, this web site will not be updated regularly.

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